Awarded images in Fine Art Photography contest
Very glad that two series and three single images have been awarded in the Fine Art Photography Awards. These are recent images that I've made in Zeeland and along the Dutch Ijsselmeer. The photos were awarded in two categories: Fine Art and Seascape.
Through Time (series):
Along the Dutch coast you will find all kinds of structures that will make you aware of the human presence. It takes a while to find the beauty in these constructions but through time they become gorgeous subjects.

Winter's Tale (series):
Snow in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, Netherlands is quite rare, but sometimes the fields turn white. The rural landscape in this sparsely populated area changes slowly into this minimalistic winter's tale.

Escape from Monotony (single image):
Photography was the only salvation in the dark and lonely days I experienced during very boring work that had to be done. I found a way to escape the monotony by making an image in which I expressed my feelings. In the landscape and the tones I found the 'monotony'. The light at the horizon is the escape from it.

Fishing Light (single image):
When I saw these fishing poles along the Dutch Afsluitdijk I knew they would be beautiful under different light conditions. It was too bright when I drove there. A clear blue sky wasn't what I was looking for, so I returned to this place on a cloudy day and waited for the best conditions. To get to the waterfront I had to pass some slippery basalt blocks but finally on the right spot the sky was perfect. Dark clouds above and thinner clouds near the horizon. I took the image with a long exposure of several minutes to soften the water and to give movement to the clouds.

Moses (single image):
The chosen one who leads his people straight through the sea.